At 15 years old, *Jenny was admitted to Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home (CSLMCH) after being assessed to have experienced parental neglect. She struggled heavily with depression, having to deal with her mother’s mental health challenges and her father’s long absence. In response to overwhelming emotional thoughts, she repeatedly, resorted to self-harm...
In 2009, *Steven entered Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home (CSLMCH) after enduring family abuse and neglect. Despite these early hardships, he was able to build remarkable resilience in his time with us....
Jillian Goh Zi Ying, a dedicated volunteer from Trinity Methodist Church, regularly brings her positivity and energy to CSLMCH. In an era where young adults prioritise career pursuits and personal relationships. Jillian stands out with her commitment to community service. She views her volunteer work as an extension of her Christian values.
Dr. Priscilla Ang has volunteered as a tutor and a medical doctor at our Home since last year. She helps the children to catch up with their schoolwork and meets their needs whenever possible. She has also been actively engaged in similar work with the Prison Fellowship Singapore for the past ten years. Tutoring the children is no simple task. The challenges the children face growing up may mean that their starting point in education is often behind their peers, and the learning gap tends to widen over the years.
From a young age, K* faced overwhelming challenges. Diagnosed with Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), he struggled with the basics of reading, writing, and spelling. Confronted with family violence, abuse, and neglect, K* was referred to Chen Su Lan Methodist Children's Home (CSLMCH), where he found safety and support. The caring staff at the Home helped him overcome his academic challenges while rebuilding his self-esteem and confidence.
After two years at CSLMCH, Social Worker Nadiah Razak delights in her role and finds immense fulfilment in supporting children and youth from diverse backgrounds. Nadia's approach to her role is best described in her own words: "I dedicate a significant portion of my time to conducting home visits.