
Collaborate with us to help our children discover their interests, talents and build up self-confidence.
We welcome individuals and organisations (such as church groups, clubs and companies seeking to combine CSR and team-bonding events) to sponsor and organise enrichment activities, life-skills programmes or operational services for the Home. We especially welcome activities and programmes which are not only fun and engaging, but also broaden our children’s minds and help them to develop their interests, talents and self-confidence.
1. Enrichment Activities
Enrichment activities are designed to introduce our children to new experiences, new people and bring joy into their lives. They can be conducted inside or outside the Home and usually take place on Saturdays or during the school holidays. These activities can be geared towards different age groups: children (7 to 12), youths (13 to 21), or gender depending on their interests, needs and availability.
Enrichment activities inside the Home include games, sports activities, children's carnival, dance classes, arts & crafts activities etc. Enrichment activities outside include a trip to the movies, going to the zoo, a museum, a park, a farm, bowling, escape room etc.
2. Life Skills Programmes
Life-skills programmes are important for teaching our children skills they will need when they return to their families or leave the Home to find a job and live independently. Some examples include cooking classes, computer workshops, career talks, personal finance trainings, personal hygiene workshops, sewing classes, photography lessons etc.
These programmes can be once-off or regular events and they can take place on Saturdays, weekday evenings, or during the school holidays. They can be geared towards different age groups: children (7 to 12), youths (13 to 21), or gender depending on their interests, needs and availability.
3. Operational Services
Partners who are interested in helping the Home with operational services are also warmly welcomed and needed especially for important tasks which require many hands and need to be completed in a short period of time. Some examples include general spring cleaning, repainting rooms and dormitories, landscape gardening projects or moving furniture. These operational services are usually conducted during the week when our children are at school.
Sign Up
Sponsors and partners must be at least 18 years old because some of our children can exhibit challenging behaviour or feel envious when other children enter the Home. For the same reasons, we do not host children's birthday parties at our Home.
Our programme coordinator will guide organisers with the planning process and our care staff will supervise the children during the activity. Organisers must be able to plan, fund and conduct the activity themselves and be able to engage with our children. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, unfortunately most of the programmes have to be conducted via zoom. Physical on-site programmes have to comply with safe management measures.
If you are interested to sponsor and organise an ad-hoc activity or operational service for the Home, please email us at with your plan, dates and contact details. Our programme coordinator will see if it is aligned with the needs and availability of the residents and get in touch with you.