Lincoln was admitted into the Home in 1984. He is currently into his 3 rd year in Nanyang Polytechnic....
It has been almost 6 years since I first visited Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home in 2004. I remember vividly that the dining area was just slightly bigger than the size of a classroom, with a zinc roof and a couple of portable fans. The transforming the dining area into a study area was a daily affair for the kids and at times, it also becomes a makeshift multi-purpose hall. It’s also here...
To me this is quite a tall order as I do not know what to write and how to go about writing such a testimony. This is also partly because I do not consider myself as a volunteer but rather as part of the family of the CSL Home....
In 1986, I came to reside in the Home at the age of 8 as my family was unable to care for my well-being. During my stay here, I learnt about Jesus Christ and God. The bible knowledge that was taught to me, gave meaning to my life and I was much comforted by His words. I learnt to accept the care-givers, their love and guardianship....